Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Amusing Experience of the Day

Sitting in a room full of doctors, nurses and psychologists, discussing what exactly defined "an Emo" (sic).

I think our criteria should be ready in time for DSM-V (which, by the way, I bought a copy of (DSM-IV) in French today, which excited me far more than I should admit to)


Calavera said...

What on earth is an Emo??

Spirit of 1976 said...

Emo is goth for wusses.

The Shrink said...

Emotional rock music for yoof culture, no?

And DSM?! NNNOOOO! Come back to Blighty and the world wide global sense that is ICD-10 :-)

Maple Leaf Medic said...

Wiki can put it far more eloquently than I ever could...

They even finish with:

"In recent years, emo, in the popular media, has been associated with a stereotype that includes being emotional, sensitive, shy, introverted, or angsty.[19][21][22] It is also associated with depression, self-injury, and suicide.[23][24]"


Maple Leaf Medic said...

That should be