I went to the Italian supermarket in Little Italy and bought olives, fresh pasta, artichoke hearts (ridiculously cheap) and risotto rice. I even heard someone say "Wow, this is just like my Mom (note: not Moma!) used to make!"
I walked on Mont Royal (the park on the mountain) and watched the most amazing sunset overlooking the city. I saw the St Lawrence river in the background, and in the foreground, the gratte-ciels (skyscrapers) as the lights started to come on for early evening, and felt at peace with the world. Here is a photo I am rather pleased with:

I bought two T-shirts, one with a picture of Farine Five Roses on (famous old grain silo sign that still lights up even though the grain factory is long gone), the other days "Vive le bec libre" (Long live free Quebec). A bit politique, but soooo Quebec!
I went to a Halloween party and danced with sailors, cowboys, vampires and George Micheal (!). I saw a girl who came dressed as Eve, which basically meant a bikini with 'fig' leaves stuck on, get told to cover herself up with a coat as she was breaching public decency! I got told off for lacking imagination by wearing scrubs and a tourniquet on my arm (you'd be surprised how difficult that can make drinking!)....I know, I know, but it was short notice. If I go again on Wednesday (actual Halloween) I'll make more of an effort (which seems to equal 'wear less clothes' for girls here....!).
I drank coffee in a cafe with bare brick walls and a piano in a corner, and wrote my thoughts down in my notebook, on a cracked wooden table, while Latino jazz played in the background. It has been cold this weekend- so cold that when I stepped into the cafe I wondered why they had a smoke machine on (it was the heat misting up my glasses!). Winter is coming- fast. My time here is shortening, which makes me sad, but I'm trying to enjoy every minute of it.
What I haven't given too much thought to is my UK-PFO programme (this year's MTAS). I have drafted answers to the questions, but not much else. Today I looked at the programmes. The areas I was thinking of applying to don't have many programmes that include Psychiatry. I'm not definite if that's what I want to do- but I do like it a lot, and it would be good to have it if that's what I apply for my Specialist Training in. Should I apply somewhere I hadn't really considered? Or risk somewhere I know with only 3 jobs that include it? Does it even matter that much anyway, especially at F1 level?
Ideally I want a job where I can do Psychiatry, Obs and Gynae, and GUM. But suggest GP and I'll shoot you, or alternatively myself. Suicidal/homicidal ideation, as they say here. Oh dear. Somebody fetch the sedatives, and pack me off to suburbia....
1 comment:
I've got my heart set on one of 3 jobs out of 300. I just know its going to go so so wrong.
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