Saturday, 29 September 2007

Le peroquet mort

I went to a party last night. Believe it or not, it was the first house party I've been to in ages, but when did it become normal for people to chose their musical playlist by searching for each song on YouTube?! Maybe it's a Canadian thing. Maybe I'm just getting old (birthday next month...*cough cough* )

Anyway, I've noticed a funny thing. When I say I'm from England, after the standard comments about the accent, I get asked "Do you like Catherine Tate?"

I then get a barrage of terrible "Am I bovvered tho? Bovvered? Face-bovvered-face-bovvered?" (Or in the case of one guy "Am I bothered tho? Am I bothered?". I didn't have the heart to tell him he was largely missing the point).

They then called me over to watch this sketch (I think it speaks volumes about the bilinguiality (is that a word?) of this city that even the Anglophones favourite sketch is one that is half in French), which is actually very funny.

I remember once hearing that about twenty years ago, such was the global success of Monty Python, an Englishman couldn't go anywhere without someone reciting the dead parrot sketch at him (or maybe it was just Micheal Palin? That would make more sense), and now it appears it's Lauren from Catherine Tate's show thats become a global export. Not that I mind (What am I expecting...."You're from England? Do you like Shakespeare? That 'to be or not to be' scene is hilarious") but I'm not sure I can keep smiling benignly in mock-amusement every time someone says "Bovvered" at me for the next two months.

On the other hand, suis-je bovvered tho?

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