Thursday, 20 September 2007

Le Premier...

One hour to go before the taxi arrives, and I decide to start a blog. But everything is packed, the suitcases are in the hall, I have done by online check-in and all that is left is the early tremble of excitement building.

For those of you who don't know me, let me introduce myself. I am a British final year medical student about to go on my elective to Montreal, in Psychiatry. (I am going to keep this anonymous in case I want to talk about medical things). I loved writing a blog about my previous travels in Japan, and I like reading other people's medical blogs. So this should be a kind of combination of both.

What to tell you about myself....? I like dark chocolate and films with subtitles, dressing up, random conversations with strangers, West and East London (but not North or South so much), olives, and (occasionally) trashy magazines. I speak French quite well. I have never killed anyone (something for MTAS perhaps?) but I *have* made a lot of people bleed. I usually alternate between hyper-anxious and stressed, and happy and bouncy. I hope this gives you a better idea of who I am, although more will come!

Anyway, this is really just a test blog, so I'll write more fully when I arrive.

Wish me luck!

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